Life can be full of surprises, and not all of them are happy ones. Divorce, medical issues, and even short term job loss can throw a wrench into a consumer's financial situation. These situations are uncontrollable events that play havoc on normal budgeting. Debt management is one option to consider for getting back on the right financial track.
Debt management is a method of resolution when simple budgeting no longer works. If you are so far behind with creditors that the collection calls are making the situation worse, yet you have a steady income, it may be the help that you need. Debt management is for those who income is constant, but their circumstances something of a financial overhaul.
Working with a credit counselor or debt management specialist, your financial situation will be analyzed, and an evaluation can be made by looking at a number of factors. One of the first things considered will be the interest rates you are paying on your unsecured debt. Credit card interest rates are all over the place and can be a cause for increased payments. The minimum amount due each month should be looked at as would be the total amount due on the account. A good counselor or consultant will also look at how you've been spending money. For instance, if you've holding down buying and limiting it to necessities, they will be much more likely to work with you. But, if you've recently bought a new flat screen television or expensive clothing, it shows that even though you knew there were financial problems, you kept right on spending as if there weren't.
It is also important in debt management that your credit history doesn't reflect historically bad credit or a bankruptcy. A bankruptcy tends to tell creditors that they are at risk on the account, and it might not be possible for them to even recover a portion of the money owed to them. In debt management, the counselors and creditors want to see a person whose finances can still be managed, and not one for whom bankruptcy is even an option.
As for your credit ratings, it will be notated on your credit report that you are working through a debt management resolution, and that notation will stay there until all bills are paid off. It may mean that you are not offered low interest rates while in this process, but it is possible to build a rating back up again with properly paid bills each month. When working through any type of resolution, it pays to remember that it took time to get into a financial predicament, and it will take time to get out of it as well. Debt management is but one option for financial resolution, and the right one for many consumers. is a reputable resolution company, whose website - - offers many tools and many options for those in financial distress. If you have questions that aren't answered, please feel free to phone 1 (888) 703-4948 and talk to a consultant with no obligation.
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