Many times people will look at a credit card and see only the ease and convenience with which they can painlessly get the things that they want. When asked to list their debts, people will list their mortgage payments, their car payments, and other installment loans, and not list their credit cards.
The fact is that the balance on a credit card is the amount of the debt (NOT THE MINIMUM MONTHLY PAYMENT)...and that debt only increases each time an interest charge or a late charge is added. Paying only the minimum on a credit card balance will mean that it will be many years before that debt is paid off.
It is astounding, but a great many people have no idea what the interest rate that is charged by their credit card companies or whether that interest rate is simple or compound interest. (It's compound...and it is well above the national interest rate.)
Too many households in America carry far too much credit card debt. Seventy-five percent of households, i n a recent study of American spending habits, are carrying a substantial amount of credit card debt. (Only 41% of American households have saving accounts.)
Now, don't misunderstand me...I am not knocking credit cards. I have a few of my own and I use them almost every month. Credit cards are practically as essential as an automobile in today's world, and if one does business or shops on the Internet, a credit card is indispensable. I also pay the balance before the credit card companies can charge a penny of interest.
Paying interest means that everything that you buy on a credit card cost you more than it would have cost if you had simply paid cash or written a check for it. The best rule is to pay as you go. Use your credit cards, but pay balances before interest is added.
Milos Pesic is a professional Debt Management consultant who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Debt Consolidation web site. For more articles and resources on debt management, debt consolidation programs, free debt counseling and much more visit his site at:
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