You do not need a professional to take over your credit card debt management. It is possible to this on your own. Before you begin repairing it you should get your credit report and uncover what needs work. You should become familiar with all of the information in your credit reports.
You should make note of any incorrect information in your reports, payments that were not reported correctly or accounts that aren't yours. You should highlight accounts that are past due, charged off, late, or have been sent to collectors. Finally note any accounts that are over their limit. You should dispute any information that is not correct. The reports will include direction on how to dispute information.
You first step in credit card debt management is to pay off the past due accounts as these accounts are what is causing your negative credit score. Try to get current on these accounts and do what you can to keep them from being charged off. Work with the debt collectors a nd try to pay off the charge-offs.
How you use your credit will also affect your score so bringing your maxed out credit cards below their limit also affects your credit score in a positive light. You can use the snowball method, pay the minimum on each card and on the card you owe the least throw as much money as you can at that card. When it is paid off move to the next card.
Once you have taken care of any negative information you should begin to get positive information onto your credit reports by managing your credit card debt intelligently. Keep paying off your cards on time, even if it means just making the minimum payment. Remember that if your cards are close to being maxed out you should not be using them. Switch to paying by cash instead of credit.
You should not sacrifice your credit accounts that are in good standing for ones that are not. You should always make your payments on time. If you have trouble managing your debt by yourself or credit ors are not working with you then you should get some consumer credit counseling.
For more help on how to get rid of credit card debt just click here.
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